13 August, 2012

Boots, boots, boots!

The temperatures have been somewhere between hot and hell* lately which ironically fuels my need to shop for fall clothing. Actually more specifically, boots -in hopes that I can persuade mother nature to hurry up with some cooler weather. These Chloe studded boots are at the top of my wish list - the expensive, unrealistic list not the affordable, practical one. Now for the more affordable Zara made children of the Chloe boot I give you these and these. After seeing the exorbitant price of option number 1, $190 doesn't seem so bad, dare I say a steal - this is my downfall. Being that I currently just took out loads of moo-lah for school, contracted myself into an apartment which still needs some essentials like say, a couch, and needed two, yes two, men to carry my box of shoes up to the apartment one would think the last thing on my mind would be a new pair of boots. Sadly, this is not the case - let's just call it the American way, livin' the dream.

*the non air conditioned, humid, three level staircase leading to our new apartment, up which the contents of my life had to be carried - not that I was the one actually carrying say the bed or desk but those few boxes of kitchen utensils were still a bitch and justify complaint - to me, at least. 

Aforementioned boots:

studded boots

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